Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bike Skills

At the school, Peter has been involved supporting a "Bike Skills" program, a homegrown initiative by a specialist teacher for building up social and life skills for children who could really benefit. Vic Roads loaned the school eleven Mongoose 21-gear bikes for the duration of second term. A few smaller bikes were supplied by the teacher for the very young children involved in the program. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and warmed to each riding challenge they were given. The pictures are filtered to maintain confidentiality in the public domain, but they still help to share memories of recent weeks at the school. Soon the bikes will have to be returned, sadly.

Peter told the school assembly recently about his first ever time he rode a two-wheeler bike. The bike was a small one like the little green one just above, only it was a fixed wheel so the pedals went around all the time it moved. Peter thinks he was about four years old then. He was so excited to find he could do it, weaving in and out of shoppers on the footpath (he lived behind a shop in the main street of a country town those days), that he did not notice that his ankles were getting ripped at every turn of the pedals. He only noticed his bleeding ankles when he returned after his long footpath ride. Ouch.

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