Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flying High

This simple kite design has found its way into Peter's range of projects. It is not that kites can be flown often at the school, and never during play recess (OH&S reasons), but a couple of boys kept requesting a large kite that they might fly. So far it has happened once with the permission of their teacher. The kite design was discovered decades earlier in the storeroom of a camp site on Phillip Island. The place was once an orphanage and the original template looked like it dated back to those years. Peter would like to name it the orphan kite in recognition of its origins.

It is simply made using the plastic cut to form from a large garbage bag and with two long bamboo sticks taped to it. Strong lightweight nylon string was attached to each side of the kite and joined to the main line (also lightweight nylon string). It can fly even is a light breeze.

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