Monday, March 19, 2012


We had the good fortune to drive to Rye, a town (distant Melbourne suburb) on the bottom edge of Port Philip Bay to share in a house warming. Close by was an Anglican Church and in its grounds was a partly overgrown labyrinth. We had to follow the lines of embedded bricks very carefully to keep to the circuit on the way to the 'contemplation' centre. When we reached it, Piper and Jasper each said a prayer. So did we and then we traced our way back out again. What a lovely invention.

After that we relaxed in the afternoon sun. Piper wrote a note at the labyrinth centre seat with Jasper watching her. Barb and Bec soaked in the warmth. Jethro found a position away from us all and watched quietly from there. It was one of those very free and relaxing times that helped make the day a memorable one.

After Peter walked the labyrinth, he made notes on the configuration of it (above) and wondered if it followed the same design tiled into the floor at Chartes Cathedral, France.

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