Tuesday, March 29, 2011

School Snapshots

These are simply a few snapshots from Peter's school involvement. Each image shares a different part of his chaplaincy experience. The picture above reminds Peter of the creative energies from kids in the art room. This is a place where he has been invited to join in and help out on occasions.

Peter has learned to wear a hat on the playground during recess. This is a strict rule for the kids so it is a rule for Peter too. Here he is gluing up a 'trick' wallet for a lucky kid to souvenir.

The school assembly is first thing each Monday morning. Peter has an opportunity to tell a short story, a story which hopefully has a useful message buried within it.

The school choir featured at the Whittlesea Market a few Saturday's ago. Lots of parents came to watch their kids sing a number of lively songs and then stroll about the market looking for a bargain. Peter will more often be involved each market day because profits from this market go towards the two school chaplains in the town of which Peter is one of them.

This is a very simplified map of the school. Note the location of the new building. This building, funded by the Federal Government economic stimulus for schools, is very near to completion at this stage. This building will be in full use as from the start of second term so there will be a lot of moving to happen during the coming holidays.

Peter is impressed with the play areas of the school. This picture shows the sports field. On a windy day it is the perfect venue for kite flying so somehow that will have to happen in the future.

Some kids found a Redback minding its own business under the lid of a bin. Peter shared with those present about the poison in the spider bite and how they had to be very careful. It did not seem right to kill it. Peter took this photo while a child held the lid up.

Some kids have been playing with Lego people and toy motor bikes. Peter gave them a few old model houses, that were lying about our home for so many years, and they have enjoyed the extra props. As for how long kids of this generation will play with models like this Peter is going tot find out over time.

This is a pretty amazingly cool and very fulfilling job for Peter.

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