Saturday, May 22, 2010

In the Cabin and the Hut

We thought it would be nice to book both the Hut and the Cabin this time round so that we could spread out and have our private space when we needed it. The Cabin could have held the four of us but we were allowed both places.

On our last morning, there was a working bee at the retreat and Gord was down by the Cabin doing a few more things to the new compost toilet building. Michelle and young Jasper look on. Slowly it is coming together. It is working now but there is still plenty of finishing to do. The interior has to be lined and the outside wall rendered.

This is how it is looking at present. There is a curtain for a door. When it is finished, it will have a shower as well. It is likely that the shower will be a suspended shower bag, where you fill the bag with water to the temperature you like and hoist it up above you. When you are ready you pull a cord and some of the water sprays down. Pretty neat eh?

This is the cabin in the morning light. Michelle and Alyce stayed there. One can just see the new construction behind the water tank. Below is the Hut further down the slope, where we stayed.

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