Sunday, March 28, 2010

Greensborough Pool Makes Way

This pool was opened 45 years ago and is thus relatively new. It became an icon of Greensborough and a mecca during the hot days of each Summer. Because it was an open air pool its business always fell away in Winter. Victorians began to lose their thick skin for taking to the cold water that they were once known for and have voted with their feet to frequent the heated waters of indoor swimming centres that have increased around Melbourne. The Greensborough Pool must be one of the last surviving outdoor pools and it to has met its end. The council has decided to yank it all up and make a modern ($33 million) aquatic and recreational centre in its pace. To be honest, though we have walked passed this pool on countless occasions we never got into it. We are not really water people but we feel sad at its removal none the less.
Peter found a blogspot story by someone who has many precious memories of the old pool and her link is added below for your interest. Swimming with the family at night in the old days must have indeed been fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh...How lovely to find this in response to my blog post so long ago. Thanks so much. Jo Ludbrook