Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Olympics

The primary school kids of our church and wider community came together for Zone. This happens once a month and this time it had a Winter Olympics theme. The feature game was the slalom across a soapy surface. The kids loved that doing it and watching it, though there were a few bad falls that required attention!

A safer game followed as a down hill (?) speed dash where adult leaders acted as gravity pull and used the same slipery surface to pull kids along. That worked well.

There were a large number of kids so they had to wait their turn for their age call up. So in the meantime they played in the "snow" which looked a bit like leftover wall insulation. Very clever. After all, snow is not so common in Australia and it is definitely the wrong season for it.
The Bible devotion that concluded the evening was Romans 8:31 "If God is for us, who can beat us."

While these kids had their Winter Olympics inside, the teenagers lounged about outside watching an open air movie with the help of a video projector. It was that sort of night.

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