Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family Catch-up

The Funks managed to pick a time which suited them and us and they came for an overnighter. Piper and Jasper were allowed to stay up a little later. Aterward, we adults chatted till late. Barb also had time holding Jethro. It was a great night all round.

In the morning, God had to 'go to the office', otherwise it was a very easy start. Bec had chances to chill out. Peter took Piper and Jasper to Safeway to get a few things to sustain them till lunch which was a kangaroo roast. We are getting that roast down pat. For those who are interested, it is 220 degrees C in a preheated oven for just over an hour and it is pretty scrummy and not dry inside. The vegies get done at the same time in the same tray.

They had all visited sporting haircuts. The most different was Jasper with a disctictly boy look. Bec left mid-afternoon with the three kids, to visit friends in another part of Melbourne, and Gord would join them there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God was there,was *?