Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A String of Memories

Barb's sister Donna (Madonna) came for a visit. The main reason for coming was to attend her daughter Kelli's graduation.

Hal was also able to attend.

A few days later we took Donna to Dan's restaurant in Greensborough for a memorable meal. By doing that, we were able to see a bit more of our chef son.

Then we made the trip to Gembrook to visit the Funks and for Donna to meet the new member Jethro.

We were able to spend quality time with them, doing anything from harvesting tomatoes to baking a roast. It was a memorable collection of days.

We stayed at the Hut over night for two nights to be close by. On the last morning, Donna and Peter went about with their cameras catching the spectacular.

The Hut offers a space away and to indulge in plenty of cups of tea.

And before we knew it, the day arrived for Donna to return to Tazzy. Now the days are just a string of memories. Thanks Don for sharing a fabulous time.

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