Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers' Day Hypnosis

Mothers' Days are times when things out of the ordinary happen. Donna flew in from Tazzi for the day. In that way two mothers, Barb and Donna, got together. And Donna caught up with her own kids, at least two of them. Kelli picked her mum up from the airport, and Dave joined them at Greensborough for a cuppa.

We all shared a greasy lunch of bacon, tomato and mushroom when they returned. It was really nice actually. It was a special time enjoyed by each of us even though we were all suffering from various amounts sleep depravation. But you can't postpone Mothers' Day. It just rocks up, and then it is gone for another year. Whoosh.

Before Donna left, she demonstrated some hypnosis. She has that unusual flare. With some careful holding and head-stroking, she succeeded in putting our Sophie to sleep. It had worked on her rabbit so why not ours. And sure enough Sophie quickly succumbed.

This was great amusement at Sophie's expense. She just lay like a baby with four paws upward and eyes closed. Quite bizarre. It was definitely strange seeing Sophie like that.

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