Sunday, April 13, 2008

Passover Seder

Our church has developed a relationship with a Jewish 'Messianic' Rabbi, and we were delighted to have him conduct a Passover Seder in our church hall. Over eighty people attended. There was a fine team of volunteers slaving in the kitchen to ensure this went successfully with such a large number of people. Young people from our youth group glided back and forth as waiters. It was a pretty sensational evening. There are some very gifted organisers in our church family.

The following is how the night went:

Lighting the candles
The Cup of Sanctification
Washing each other's hands
Parsley dipped twice in salt water
The four questions by a young boy
Breaking of the Matzah
Bitter herbs and edible 'mortar'
Doing some leaning/reclining
The Exodus Story with the ten plagues
A look at the Passover symbols
Eating a boiled egg and drinking salt water
Singing 'It is enough' with each act of God
The Cup of Deliverance
Eating the Passover meal
A Christian reflection
The Cup of Redemption
Elijah's Song
The final Cup of Praise
The completion with peace in Jerusalem

Our niece and nephew, Kelli and Dave were able to join us which was fantastic.

1 comment:

smiley-chelle said...

thats awesome that kel and Davo could be there!!!! sounds like alot of fun!!