Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Our Tricky Christmas

After church we got the chicken and vegies into the oven. Because Christmas without family can be 'tricky' we called it that for this year. Our only family member who could come was Dan. For Joy, Craig and Abigail, it was also 'tricky' so we agreed to share our Christmas lunch time. And it was a super time of good food, fun and fellowship.

Abigail is growing up and fun to be with. Earlier in the day, Joy and Craig had given Abigail a model farm animal set complete with a good amount of fencing. This set she brought with her to play with and show us. The people pictures show Barb and Abigail in one and Craig and Abigail in the other.

Later Peter and Abigail played a game together that just involved one checkers piece. This checkers piece was tossed back and forward between them, and occasionally got lost into the Christmas tree or behind the couch much to Abigail's delight and interest. After it was retrieved the game continued. It went for a long time. It was amazing that a game with one checker piece could be so entertaining for so long. Peter made a few attempts to finish but Abigail would have none of that.

This is just a window into a day that had many other experiences.


Anonymous said...

sounds like loads of fun!! Well i am back in the city now for the remainder of the week to work real hard. I am settling back into city life after a small holiday in the country. I was thinking i would be here alone but thankfully 2 of my closest mates, some boys from next door, were here when i arrived after work!! YAY!!! So Josh and I had a guitar lesson, a nintendo game and one of our great chats and when Justin got home we goofed around on facebook!!! haha what fun. but they are both flying out tomorrow :( but i do enjoy the time by myself. good for cleaning things just the way i want them :) anyways i will post a blog of my own soon.
Love you all
Michelle :D

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.