Saturday, July 7, 2007

David 1957-2007

Our friend Dave passed away Wednesday 27 June 2007. He had not been well. He had been a heavy smoker for most of his life. He was buried 3 July 2007.

Peter loved the theological conversations he had with him. Dave coined the term nerdify. He likened it to something fearful but inevitable, and understood nerd in the normal sense of being a "square" or a "do gooder". This was the end result of too much church attendance. So Dave and Peter used this new term to explore their faith journeys. For Dave being part of a caring church family was to experience a process of nerdification. He told us that when he was very young he was truly a nerd. He believed in God and he remembered a picture of him with a cross and looking a real nerd. As he grew through adolescence he cast off his nerdish ways and became a man of the world with a tough facade.

What stands out in our conversations was this theological use of 'nerd'. Dave had allowed himself to be nerdified by God, yes, to become a nerd again, to stand beside all other nerds in God's kingdom. This was a significant insight, the giving over of his life to God in that way – to make his peace with God. We will be touched forever by his thoughts and concepts, and will surely miss him as a friend and life mentor who has constantly reminded us of how the world sees the Church (i.e. full of nerds).

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