Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wetland Visits

Even during the restricted isolation, we are able to drop in on our feathered friends at our nearby wetland at Uni Hill. We were concerned to note that the four Eurasian Coot chicks are now only one. What happened to the others we do not know. The surviving chick is growing and its parents are helping it by ducking underwater for the food it keeps chirping for. It is not an overcrowded wetland and so the birds that are there, the two swans, numerous Moorhens, Eurasian Coots and ducks plus the one goose, one heron and one cormorant, all must feel pretty pleased with their lot in life.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 2020 Memories

This is a when we're called to think of others and do what we can to improve links with family and friends. We have had a few special moments in the month, like 'take-away' coffees with family, doing church stuff online, and tending to our garden, all at a low key level. We think that God wants us to crank up our care of others during this time even if it is via electronic means, so we pray that we have clear opportunities to do just that.

With better speakers for uplifting music

Blackberries this year!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Gembrook Retreat Scenes

It seemed a nice idea to post some images taken earlier that capture the magic of the Retreat, a place we used to visit a lot. Hopefully we can resume this as we are able. We have a collection of slides to music 'I have a dream' sung by Lisa Stokke (for Mamma Mia!). This is really about learning to make a slideshow video with sound and sharing it. You can view the video here. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Church Online

When the general lock down happened, our experience of church moved into a completely new phase of interaction. It went online each following Sunday. Our communion with the bread and drink was self-prepared from our own stores. No longer does the Anglican Church worry about priestly oversight of the sacraments it seems. Plenty Life, the church we are connected to made the change-over early. All churches are online now so as not to be blamed for any spreading of the virus. We use Zoom as a platform. It is robust and 'way better' compared to Skype which seems to lose its sound/vision coordination half way through a call. So we are glad we are using Zoom and even have a free account with it for smaller off the cuff link-ups.