Sunday, March 29, 2020

Eurasian Coot Chicks

We returned to our local wetland and found that a number of Eurasian Coot chicks had recently hatched and we skylarking about in the water. Their mother seemed to be kept fairly busy at times with the extra attention that she might not have been used to as seen on our video HERE. The music was composed and played by Phil Ackland Enjoy.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Wood Craft Online

Peter has worked toward creating a woodcraft experience for children that is somewhat online except for having to go out and purchase the materials and physically make the puzzle pieces. So is it really online? People are able to leave their homes and purchase the things they need from the shopping centres. The wooden cubes and the glue are easy to obtain from the variety shops that are quite prevalent. That part is not online. The instructions are. The results can be shared online. Children need some physical activity away from online gaming and this project offers physical "hands on" time creating the seven puzzle pieces which then leads into a new activity of figuring out the puzzle. It can even become an economical gift for someone. That's two activities in one and can be shared by a number of family members during these quarantine shut down days. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Uncle John

It is a hard reminder to see Uncle John needing to reconcile his days in a nursing home. He might be able to return to his home and have medical support visit. It is a reminder that we are all travelling along a path that might have health compromises and challenges to our dignity. This wonderful man has been a 'fun and laughter' part of Peter's childhood plus visiting during later years. Yep, we're all getting old and don't want an unhappy final year against our lives. God's hand has to be in the mix for us to face our own futures. Uncle John was a man of God. He is lucid enough and has sadly accepted the path he is on. We need the courage to face our own paths like John has.

Piper 16

Our wonderful granddaughter is now sixteen and we had the privilege of having her around. Her celebrations were extensive and our part was a small section only but with precious memories.