Thursday, March 30, 2017

Whittlesea Woodcraft 5

Peter's last woodcraft for the term had a fairly simple brief: "build a city". The kids all seemed to warm to the task and many very interesting block combinations came together. There was just enough material to go around the 20 plus who came. As one can see by the glue oozing out, there is still much to learn about just the right amount needed. But there was enough glue and what was available in the material trays stretched far enough.

Family Game Time

We had a very nice day with our grandkids and our son and daughter just recently. The program evolved and included two board games, Pandemic and Seven Wonders. The young ones caught on to the games like ducks to water and we did this for many hours. After the evening meal and before they had to leave, we went outside to a nearby playground for a more physical and exhausting game like tiggy. An atmospheric arrival of rain cut short our running about and we briskly walked home shaking the wet trees as we went. A nice day all round.

Seven Wonders

Rain clouds rolling over

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tallarook Woodcraft 4

The fourth woodcraft event of the term at Tallarook was the last one since it only happens every second ween there. This time Peter supplied simple rabbit kits and material for making simple Easter egg boxes. The mix of themes allowed the children to branch out and create quite different arrangements with what was available. There are some very creative students at this small school and they weaved their magic again with classic results.

Whittlesea Woodcraft 4

The third woodcraft activity at Whittlesea were jet-skis but Peter missed recording these. The following week the kits were of speedboats with outboard motors plus a few long-neck dinosaur kits. This seemed to work just right as Peter gave out the dinosaur kits in a selective way and allowed the many speedboats kits to be the main option. This was pitched well and every child seemed happy enough. Yes, there were some who really wished to have a dinosaur kit once they were aware of them but coped well enough with their speedboat. Some children built houses for their speedboats.

Tallarook Woodcraft 3

This time Peter provided simple jet-ski kits complete with stick-on jewels. With the help of the texters each child was able to make their own unique version. This always helps at the end of the day when they pick up what they have made and not someone else's.

Lego Man

We have had fun watching the progress of Lego Man at our place. Peter's brother was the initiator of this and each day we saw a new accomplishment. At first Lego Man was simply scaling the Himalayan salt lamp. Following this success, Lego Man took on reaching the lamp's power socket. After accomplishing that feat, he worked toward the calendar higher up on the wall and scaled past the fan switch to reach his personal 'Everest'. Well done Lego Man.

Divine Pumpkin Patch

This is a further report on the growing reach of our pumpkin patch. Nothing gets in its road as it spreads. The barbecue is no obstacle. No more outside sausages for a while! It's grip of things reveals an ever explorative mind. The bees are in on it too. They fossick about and fertilise even more flowers. Whether these late ones will grow into mature pumpkins is uncertain. Some balloon up fast and others seem to take the whole season. The hand of God is in this batch, over the patch. Is there more to this providing than meets the eye? Is trouble coming that will cause us to have pumpkin soup as a stable, morning and night? What ever the outcome, we have learned through the watching. Mostly it is about stepping back and letting God...