Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Funks Sequel

Us at CentreView Cafe Greensborough Plaza

This follows on from the last one, sharing how our time with our grandkids continued (and concluded). We have memories of kids who are growing and becoming cleverer and sharper in all that they do. It has been fun watching their steady development, a delight to behold. It was also nice to have our son drop in for an unexpected visit and do some interaction with his niece and nephews. Good memories all round.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Funk Digger and Dogs

Our grandkids came to stay a few nights and John was able to show them how to work his air pressure controlled Lego digger. They all this very well against the clock moving the seeds off the table and into the bowl. Later in the day we went to the local dog park to let Rusty and Tink have a run with other dogs.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mernda Singers Sing

This group of singers that Barb is a part of presented at the annual Community Grant Awards night recently. The previous year they had received a grant allowing them to purchase support equipment  and a number of ukuleles. This was their opportunity to pay back in the nicest way possible at the City of Whittlesea Council Chambers with a number of well known songs that we all appreciated.

Gord Forty-two

We made a dash to Gembrook one day recently to do the birthday thing with Gord. It became a collection of precious moments to remember the day by: Barb's cake followed by games of Crokinole. Gord won most of those so skilled was he.