Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Remen Ritual

We are still on the same book. It may be our third time through the pages. The author is Rachel Remen and this happens to be one of her latest books: My Grandfather's Blessings. We have a daily cuppa together, light a candle and 'touch base' with one short story at a time. It is food for our souls... like special sunsets. 

Special Weekend

This was a full weekend involving two nights in the Hut at Gembrook and on the Saturday driving on to Warragal to watch Piper and her young ballet peers perform at the West Gippsland Arts Centre. They all did very well. 

On the Sunday, Gembrook had a community market involving kids rides. Piper and Jasper both enjoyed spending some money on things they desired to be on. How different they are.

Grandkid's Breezing By

We had the pleasure of a special midweek visit. Bec brought them over and we caught up for a few hours. Barb was very glad to see them and Peter made it home as early as he could from the school. 

It was all too soon that we had to say "good-bye". Piper especially finds it hard. Thank you guys. See you soon.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

First Prize

This is a picture that Peter took midyear of a building construction in Camberwell, in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. What is very special about this picture is that it came first at the Whittlesea Show this month. Peter submitted twelve photos in the novice section covering many different categories. The winning photo was under the category of 'architecture and building construction'. All his other photos won nothing.

Peter feels that he was indeed fortunate to get first prize given the standard of entries. Second prize in the same category was quite stunning, a picture taken in the Melbourne Museum by one of the mothers of the Whittlesea Primary School. Her children ribbed her that Peter the chaplain "pipped her at the post". Peter and this mum have had a laugh about it and will be competing again next year. Maybe it will go the other way next time.

These are the twelve Peter submitted. Afterward, Peter was amazed at all the good pictures of the year he overlooked that might have been far better choices. His choosing of these happened in a rush to catch the Show deadline. Lessons learned. Now he is compelled to be in the 'open' class in the 'architecture and buildings' category but can remain a novice for all the rest. Lessons learned there too.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Funk Dress Ups

We made it to Gembrook again which is always fun for us. And fun for the grandkids too. Gord was able to do a bit of carpentry on the side. His shed is being transformed to accommodate a whole lot more stuff from the house. There are big plans for the old car port space at the house.

Later that day the grandkids were going to the retreat to a community night with an opportunity to dress up in a costume. Piper wanted to be a parrot and Jasper a pirate.

The visit was a real tonic in a week that was pretty busy after coming back from the north and trying to pick up the pieces again.

Funeral to a Wonderful Mother

After some thought on the matter, Peter was comfortable to post some photos of the day of the funeral of his Mum. The picture above carries special meaning because the scene through the large windows of the crematorium shows cane farms (a very common sight for Mum) and right in the background is Mount Bartlefere, Queensland's highest mountain. Bartlefere overlooked Mum's home for 43 years when she lived in Babinda on the coast, and another 12 years after that when she lived in Atherton on the tableland. There is something very special to be associated with that mountain from both sides.

Mum's last ride from the church passing under the Jacaranda trees in bloom. The world will be different now.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Valmae Ackland 1929-2011

We are sad to bid farewell from this earthly life one beautiful lady and devoted mother. Peter's Mum has left a legacy of living life's great values most excellently. She has touched in this special way so many people during her 82 years, her family of course but also many hundreds of children growing up at the Babinda Primary School (1968-1988). We will miss her always.