Monday, October 26, 2009

Clap Your Hands

As the rain and snow come down from heaven,
and not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Isaiah 55:10-12.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jethro Growth

It seems appropriate to blog a series of snaps featuring Bec, Gord and Jethro. The two older siblings, Piper and Jasper can be looked after for extended periods, but where Bec and Gord go Jethro usually follows.

It has been nice spending unique times with Bec, Gord and Jethro. Barb's weeks of annual leave allowed lots of special memories to happen. Thanks guys. And thank you to Jethro for all those smiles you gave us. You are such a cute kid.

Swinging Kids

Let's go swinging. Yes, let's find that lonely swing down in the valley. Come along then and we'll find it as we walk. (walk walk walk) And there it is. When was the last time you kids used it? The day is just so perfect for a swing.

Ok, Jaz. It's time to let Miri have a go. Come on, it is good to share. Everybody else has to have a turn too. It's good to let others have a go.

It's time to return up the hill. Hold on for a few photos while we are down here. What sort of pose is that Miri?

Ok. How about you three girls being in a picture together. It may become a famous picture. That is quite a dynamic pose Anya. Yes, and a pretty nice looking skirt too.

What about me? I want to be in the picture too. Sure Jaz. Come and join in.

Now, Jaz. You were supposed to be looking at the camera, not at everybody's foot positions. And that is a well practiced pose Anya. Nice smiles, Piper and Miri.

After a long walk back up the hill, the swinging resumed. This time it was all on together with young Caleb pushing. Now there were even more kids than before. Jaz tried the slide. No, actually. Jaz decided that it wasn't going to happen this day. Maybe when he is bigger, he said.

K i d s . s w i n g i n g . . . k i d s . w a i t i n g . t o . s w i n g . . . k i d s . . .

Friday, October 23, 2009

Two More Windows

Where the story left of was one year ago when the north wall was partly completed with three new windows and new weatherboard, replacing the old lazerlite and metal sheets. These formed extra wall cavities that were originally constructed to heat up air and this hot air would be drawn into the spaces under the floor slab. Well, it did not work very well and ceased to be used after a time.

On the interior side of the unchanged section of wall were storage shelves. These had to be totally removed for better access to the wood panel wall.

Some of these timber areas were sown through to the studwork for the new windows recently purchased to match the others. The inner layer of sheet metal was now in view.

The outside has had scaffolding put up for safer working conditions. The lazerlite has been removed and next to be pulled off is the outer layer of sheet metal.

Underneath that layer of sheet metal is found the remains of a creeper that once grew all over the north face of the building about ten years ago. The long dry sticks all came away fairly easily once the timber was pulled off.

At last the window spaces were through to the daylight and windows fitted well. Some upper windows were kept and the others removed and replaced with timber wall panalling.

Young Caleb took this picture of Peter working with the power plane. He wanted to show him what his face expression was like. The power plane does that.

One layer of sheet metal was kept to act as insulation for the weatherboard to go over. For the first time, apart from drawings, the new window configuration was now evident to how the finished product was going to look.

The building will look quite good from a distance, down the hill, from the other buildings at the Retreat. This is the view from near by the Hut.

The weatherboard slowly increased around the new windows and then up around the two remaining upper windows. All these planks were cut as closely as possible to fit as tightly as possible.

This was the state of the place as Peter left is after eight days of work. He will return in one month's time to work on creating a separate room and finishing off the interior. So far so good.

Barb's Birthday Week

Barb set some of her annual leave to coincide with her birthday. Peter had a building project appointment at Gembrook Retreat so we went and stayed there for a week. There are lots to say about these days but for this blog we share some snippets of what we did together. They involved being arould family, being taken out by Bec and Gord, finding nice places to have coffee and going to locations we have never seen.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dan at 25

Earlier in the month Daniel reached a quarter of a century. That is quite a milestone and worthy of a blog, albeit belatedly. We took Dan and our nephew Dave out for brunch. It was breakfast for Dan and Dave and lunch for us, and the cafe was equipped for both. Arn't they all these days? Dan is now passing through Brisbane as part of his planned holiday. Where to next Daniel?
The picture: a humble solution for how to get both photographers into the one picture. And let's frame the birthday boy!