Spring as arrived and we don't mind the extra rain. We have had so many years of drought that if it rains every day for the next year that will be OK. We'll find another way to dry the clothes. So on a break in the rain we took our chances and went to the nearby skate park. It was fun especially for Jethro.

It is not far to walk and the kids make a bit deal out of it taking their 'wheels' with them to add to the fun. Jethro was so excited that we had to dress him at the open door. If that door had closed with him inside he would have screamed the house down.

About the trickiest part of the course is the driveway down from the house. Once that is negotiated it is plain sailing to the park... all the time watching for cars coming from each way. It is too wet and muddy for the shoes and wheels to walk along off the paved road. Fortunately there are not too many vehicles passing.

Later on as evening came, Peter gave Piper a special black and white bird suit. He thinks that Piper will 'come around' to join with him in barracking for the black and white football team... yes, Collingwood! She is a perfect little Collingwood supporter now.

That bird suit stayed on, even during the story time with Barb. It was very nice of another little girl called Abigail. She handed the dancing suit to Peter to bring to Piper. Abigail's family all follow Collingwood. Looks like we have a conversion happening. Sorry Gord. Peter has a strong feeling that this is the year that Collingwood will indeed win the flag. It has been a long time coming.