We stayed overnight at the Retreat and in the Hut as we did numerous times last year and the year before. It was nice to be back there again. The morning welcomes us in such a calm way and allows us to be reflective. Jane and Steve's baby was born about a week ago so there was this new blessing to the Retreat to contemplate.
The light of life is all around us
The light came into the world
Just one week ago a new life for the Hope family
That's a whole new world of meaning, a completely new dynamic
A little life direct from God, so close to God
With wisdom from God, having come from God
Closely attached to God's culture, so recently there
How nice to have a new child in our midst
To remind us of God
We are truly blessed

Steve and Gord went for an inspection of part of the property. With them came Peter (camera holder) and Jasper. We counted the sheep and moved the goats and did it nice and slowly.

It was back at the Funks house for lunch which was anything we did not eat the previous day. Bec was very pleased that we could have a meal like this, a meal that required no prep.

Later Dan, with Gord's encouragement, did a bit of wood splitting. Well, Dan did quite well at it. It was his blistered hands that failed him in the end. Still, the little pile of firewood was added to for next Winter.

Ok... after all that work, a bit of recreation was needed and the kids joined in and did their best.

And while all that was happening, there was Bec deciding to harvest some of the garlic. We were very impressed at the size of the bunches of cloves. Well done you guys.
We left in the late afternoon to take Dan back to his place and then on to ours. We each felt that we had had a super time... a true tonic for us all.