When the pizza place changed hands for a second time, Peter decided to call it quits. He can't really call delivering pizzas a real job. During the quiet spells, he reads. When it is too busy, with not enough drivers on and too many customers demanding pizzas, he is flat chat and getting stressed. He prefers to call the work a community service. That is probably why he kept doing it for so long. The pay was not to much to talk about. At least it covered for the fuel and wear and tear of the car, and the remainder quietly built up over time to help ease financial pressures.
Now after three and a half years, making 2,629 deliveries, and travelling 16,498 Kms about the neighbourhood, and getting to know the area very well, it has all come to an end. He leaves on good terms and with good memories. It had been increasingly difficult to maintain the Friday night driving commitment. Now Friday nights are free again, much to Barb's relief.